The Professionals
Here you will find experts of the Styrian design scene.
Choose from seven areas of expertise.

Interior- und Licht Design | Möbel |
Home - Dekor & Accessoires
Ob Störungen in der Farbkonzeption oder mangelnde Ergonomie: Unsere Expert:innen stellen eine Design-Diagnose für Ihren Arbeits- und Lebensraum und beraten Sie zu allen Problemstellungen rund um Einrichtung, Beleuchtung, Möbel und Dekor.

Communication & Graphic Design | Branding
When far-sightedness is required: Our professionals in the areas of communication, graphic design and branding ensure that your CI is visually appealing and accompanied by appropriately eloquent wording.

Product & Industrial Design
What do all successful products have in common? Great design! Our product and industrial designers know how the design process functions optimally and how brilliant ideas turn a good concept into an even better product or project.

Identity & Branding | Marketing & Strategy
A brand developed with a clear and well-thought-out strategy creates an unmistakable identity. Our brand and marketing experts will advise and guide you through the development processes, from early idea to market entry and beyond.

Visual Communication | Photo, Film & Sound Design
With a smartphone in every pocket, everyone thinks they are a professional photographer. It is thus all the more important that professionals exist who are truly familiar with the discipline and can rely on visual acuity and foresight when it comes to visual communication.

Architecture & Public Space |
Experiences, Shops, Hotels, Gastronomy, Office |
Signs & Orientation Systems |
Relaxation Zone, Green Space & Garden Design
Chronic disorientation and paralyzing claustrophobia are the primary symptoms of a poorly designed environment. Our experts know how to treat ailing buildings, squares and public spaces, ensuring they are pleasant, welcoming and user-friendly.

Service Design & Design Management |
Social Design | Sustainable, Green & Circular Design
When supply chains suffer from circulatory problems and social high blood pressure causes sustainability to fall by the wayside, our experts for social and circular design (plus design management) have just the right treatment plan for you.